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Leg Exercises Without Weights

Then repeat the exercise on. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and slightly turned out with your weight in your heels. Leg Exercises Without Weights Page 3 Line 17qq Com The Bulgarian split squat is going to help stretch the rear leg while strengthening your front leg by loading up your weight on your front leg. Leg exercises without weights . DOWNLOAD WORKOUT ON FITBOD. The Best Leg Workout Exercises Without Weights. Engage your core and lift your hips and one leg off the ground. Make sure to keep your chest straight and your core flexed. Take a large step out to your left while bending your left knee and keeping your other leg upright. Step onto the bench with your right foot pushing through your heel and driving your left knee up. Repeat this core and cardio circuit for a total of four rounds. Bend your right knee and hip to press your buttocks back. Hold on to a wall for support if you lack balance. Then raise yourself up. These leg exer